Dr. AgronomistSamuele Falciani
Samuele Falciani has always had a strong passion for the agricolture. After the high-school diploma as agricultural engineer, he graduated in Agricultural Sciences with excellent final grades. He kept developing his studies in Agricultural and he got a PHD as engineer. During his academic doctorate studies he deepened his passion and interest towards agricolture and wine, working at a new system to prevent the oxigen consumption from the wine.
After his studies in Buenos Aires as a biologist, he started writing different essays such as: The disappearance kinetics of fenhexamid in sterile and non-sterile conditions, as revealed by a mixed-effects model analysis, 2007 in Biology and Fertility of Soils – Springer; Valutazione di alcuni parametri predittivi del potenziale Red-Ox e consumo dell’ossigeno. Particolari osservazioni sulla misura dell’ossigeno disciolto, 2007 Atti dell’Enoforum 2007. OSSIGENO E VINO, Edizioni PARSEC Srl; Effect of sodicity on the mechanical impedance of an agricultural soil, presentato al 5th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR SOIL CONSERVATION “Green-metallo chlorophyll complexes formation during malaxation of olive pastes”, CIGR 3rd International Symposium, FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS: PROCESSING AND INNOVATIONS, 24-26 September 2007 Naples, Italy.
He worked for 8 years as wine cellar manager in one of the biggest winery in Tuscany.
EnologistTommaso Rindi
Tommaso Rindi has always been fascinated by the wine world. He studied and got a graduation in Enology and Wine making at Florence University. During his studies, he worked for one year at the L’École nationale supérieure agronomique de Montpellier (ENSAM), in Frace, in the genetic department.
After the graduation in Florence, he went back to France to attend some intensive courses about microbiology and wine making procedures at the Bordeaux Segalen 2 University. During his university studies he published two essays: Valutazione di alcuni parametri predittivi del potenziale Red-Ox e consumo dell’ossigeno e Particolari osservazioni sulla misura dell’ossigeno disciolto, entrambe edite da Edizioni PARSEC Srl, 2007, Atti dell’Enoforum 2007 – OSSIGENO E VINO.
Tommaso always wanted to improve his knowlegde about wine; he worked first in a prestigiuos winery in Tuscany and after he collaborated with the wine maker and enologist Paolo Vagaggini, in Siena and Montalcino area. After this experience, he worked as a Sales Manager in a winery in the Chianti region, then he was business partner of a wine estate. From 2015 he is the manager and owner of the wine estate “I Tirreni” together with his friend and business partner, Samuele Falciani.